Welcome to the Creature Feature Gallery! What is a creature feature? Scientists call them inclusions. They are undigested body parts of the prey that was ingested! Poop Loops(Lumbricaria with Crinoid Inclusions) Crinoid Crunchies(Lumbricaria with Crinoid Inclusions) Franken-Stool(Large Spiral Fish Coprolite with Articulated Vertebrae) Big Gyro Job(Large Spiral Coprolite with Fish Scale Inclusions) Beak No Evil(Large Marine (Reptile?) Coprolite) (Got Egg on Your Trace?) (Free-Form Feces) (Fossil Poo or Vomit?) Poo Pillow?(Curved Carnivore Coprolite with Fish Scale Inclusions) The Poo and Vertebra(Coprolites and Ichthyosaur Vertebra in Matrix) Xenacanthus Dinner(Coprolite with Xenacanthus Spine Inclusion) Mysterious Crap Circles(Coprolite with Unidentified Chitinous Ring Inclusions) Pages« first‹ previous12345678next ›last »