Welcome to the Creature Feature Gallery! What is a creature feature? Scientists call them inclusions. They are undigested body parts of the prey that was ingested! Poop or Vomit?(Coprolite or Regurgitalite) Almost a Coprolite(Coprolite or Cololite with Gar Jaw and Tooth Inclusions) Spring Fresh(Coiled and Furrowed Coprolite with Fish Inclusions) Have a Nice Prey!(Carnivorous Mammal Coprolites) Harry Pooter(Carnivore Coprolite with Possible Fur Imprint) Up Scale(Carnivore Coprolite with Numerous Fish Scales) Scale of 1 to 100(Carnivore Coprolite with Numerous Fish Scales) Toed Stool(Carnivore Coprolite with Mammal Toe Bone Inclusion) Poo on My Plate(Carnivore Coprolite with Fish Tooth Plate Inclusion) Kung Poo(Carnivore Coprolite with Fish Tooth and Bone Inclusions) (Carnivore Coprolite with Fish Scale Inclusions) Marine Reptile Maybe?(Carnivore Coprolite with Fish Inclusions) Pages« first‹ previous12345678next ›last »