Welcome to the Creature Feature Gallery! What is a creature feature? Scientists call them inclusions. They are undigested body parts of the prey that was ingested! Marine Reptile Maybe?(Carnivore Coprolite with Fish Inclusions) Bone China?(Carnivore Coprolite with Fish Bone Inclusions) Dino Dung It?(Carnivore Coprolite with Bone Inclusions - Dinosaur?) Theropoo?(Carnivore Coprolite with Bone Fragment Inclusions) Definitely Dinosaur(Carnivore Coprolite with Bone and Tooth Inclusions) It's A-Mazon!(Carnivore Coprolite in Siderite Nodule) Simply A Mazon!(Carnivore Coprolite in Siderite Nodule) Poop on the Half Shell(Carnivore Coprolite in Siderite Nodule) Pages« first‹ previous12345678