Whether the result of fluidity of movement, intestinal design or amazing sphincter control, these all natural sculptures are the masterpieces of the prehistoric world. Snail Trail?(Sinuous Carnivore Coprolite) Caterpillar Caca(Segmented Herbivore Coprolite (Caterpillar?) in Amber) (Segmented Carnivore Coprolite) Out of Joint(Segmented Carnivore Coprolite) North Sea Scrolls?(Scroll Coprolites) (Scroll Coprolite with Unusual Surface Texture) Poopy Poop?(Scroll Coprolite with Fish Vertebrae Inclusions and Surface Pellets) (Scroll Coprolite in Siderite Nodule) (Scroll coprolite) (Scroll Coprolite) (Rodent Coprolite in Dominican Amber) Poop Pellet(Rod-Shaped Carnivore Coprolite) Pages« first‹ previous123456789next ›last »