In this gallery you will find coprolites and coprolite impoo-sonators that can be seen with the naked eye, but are best viewed under the microscope. Burmite Bug Poo(Invertebrate Coprolite in Amber) Endangered Feces(Insect Preserved Defecating in Amber) Crustacean Crapola #2(Crustacean Coprolites with Canals) Worms Crawl In, Poop Comes Out(Crab carapace with segmented worm coprolites) See No Weevil(Coprolite-Filled Broad-Back Weevil Cocoon) Cephalo-pooed(Coprolite with Cephalopod Hook (Onychites) Inclusions) Crustacean Poo?(Ammonite and Coprolite Pellets) Pages« first‹ previous12